
Hot Topics in Women's Health

Check out these recent Hot Topic articles! Visit this page regularly to find links to new articles that will keep you informed and engaged.

Understanding your Biological Clock     (Copy and paste this link into your browser)




How Much Can You Really Change After You Turn 30?
Can your personality change after a certain age?






In Digital Age, Breaking Up May Be Even Harder To Do
May 13, 2013. Today’s digital environment allows quick deletion of digital photos and emails, but the proliferation of digital possessions makes erasing a relationship a difficult proposition.
(Read Newsletter on relationship break-ups)





Impact of SSRIs in Depressed Women undergoing Infertility Treatment and during Pregnancy






Review Article of the current literature on the safety and efficacy of SSRI use in depressed infertile women, pregnant woment, and impact on neonatal health and beyond







Are We There Yet? Navigate Now with Our Guided Menopause Tour
From the North American Menopause Society
Ahh, the menopause journey. No clear starting or ending point, odd diversions, and an estimated time of arrival that could span years. Menopause is certainly a trip. And needless to say, you could use some turn-by-turn directions.





Cognitive Difficulties Associated With Menopause Described
The memory problems that many women experience in their 40s and 50s as they approach and go through menopause are both real and appear to be most acute during the early period of post



Menopausal Women Don't Need 'Fixing', Psychotherapist Argues
July 11, 2011 — Menopause shouldn't be seen as a medical problem that needs fixing but as a life-affirming and normal process that women go through.



Menopause, the makeover
Psychologists are helping women sidestep the stereotypes associated with menopause and transform this developmental passage into a vital new phase of life.

Negative Perceptions of Menopause Contradicted by New Study

Oct. 12, 2010 — New research from the University of Sheffield has found that social and psychological factors have the biggest influence upon women´s sexual behaviour
during the menopause, rather than biological changes such as declining hormone levels.

Emotional Eating to Emotional Connection: Do you eat for emotional reasons? Of course you do- everybody does!

Feb 13, 2013 - From birth, we develop powerful emotional connections to feeding, eating, and food. In our food-abundant environment, eating is a readily-accessible way to add pleasure to our lives. We eat to socialize, nurture, express love, have fun, soothe a hurt, and reward ourselves for a job well done.
Emotional eating only becomes a problem when it's overused to cope with or avoid feelings.

Late Lunch May Mean Less Weight Loss
Tuesday, Jan. 29 (HealthDay News) -- People who like to eat lunch late in the afternoon may have more trouble shedding pounds than those who dine earlier...


Psychologists cite emotions as top obstacle to weight loss


Consumer Reports publishes results from recent survey of APA members
Jan. 31, 2013—When it comes to losing weight, people often focus on eating less and exercising more. But results of a survey of psychologists suggest dieters should pay attention to the role emotions play in weight gain and loss if they hope to succeed.

Women and ADHD- What To Do When You Feel Overwhelmed
Whether you have kids or not, balancing a slew of commitments can get overwhelming for women with ADHD, said Stephanie Sarkis, Ph.D, a psychotherapist and author of several books on ADHD, including 10 Simple Solutions to Adult ADD. That's because ...


Still Difficult for Women Executives to Have it All
January 21, 2013. It appears that being in charge of household decisions may bring a semblance of power to women's traditional role, to the point where women may have less desire to push against the obstacles to achieving additional power outside the home,” said UC ...



All Pain Is Not the Same: Psychologist Discusses Gender Differences in Chronic Pain
Women experience chronic pain longer, more intensely and more often than men, according to a psychologist who works with both men and women dealing with diseases and conditions  that leave them suffering.



Pain, Pain Go Away
Psychological approaches help people cope with chronic pain.